As I awoke, in that almost fully awake state, these words came to me… How swift are the feet of the one who rides with the Lord! I felt a message had been given to me in that one statement that needed to be shared.
For many of us, it may seem like the things we desire don’t happen quickly enough. It may seem like things we try just aren’t working. You might be thinking I’ve tried everything I can come up with and nothing works. I’ve researched and tried implementing things others have suggested to no avail. So what am I left with?
Might I suggest a different approach? This is a well-tested and well-documented approach that so many have used over thousands of years. There are no other case studies that I know of that have this much documentation by this many people across all nations for this many years.
The approach is not accepted by everyone but for those who have really embraced it and persevered with it, they have found it to withstand the test of time and that it is better than any approach they tried in the past.
It was at that time that I found the Hope I had always been looking for. It was in that time that I found the Love that I so desperately needed. It was at that time that I discovered a new and exciting approach to my life that changed everything for me. I discovered and accepted a personal relationship with Jesus. I admit that while many facets of my life were immediately turned around, there were other parts that took time for me to work out. God began a work in me to refine and define me according to how He saw me. f 4 and 5 years old as a single mom, working full time the whole time, managing the entire household, having few friends, and dealing with so many emotions (anger, hurt, worry, fear, anxiety, loneliness, lack of self-esteem and confidence to name a few). I was lost and my feet were stuck.
It was in that time that I found the Hope I had always been looking for. It was in that time that I found the Love that I so desperately needed. It was at that time that I discovered a new and exciting approach to my life that changed everything for me. I discovered and accepted a personal relationship with Jesus. I admit that while many facets of my life were immediately turned around, there were other parts that took time for me to work out. God began a work in me to refine and define me according to how He saw me.
As I began to learn from the Bible who Jesus is, how to live a righteous life, I confess, I made many mistakes along the way. Like a little child learning to walk who falls down a bunch until that day when they finally get their balance and walk, wobbly at first but over time, more and more steady. Well, that was me. Learning and growing, falling, getting back on track, falling, getting back on track, moving forward, learning and growing.
The one thing that was constant during those earlier years, and even now, I stayed, persevered, and had faith that this was the path to a better, richer, and more abundant life. This was THE path. God continued to show me His hand in my life over and over again as my trust in Him grew and my negative emotions and beliefs about myself faded away. He got my feet moving.
Things along these many years have not always been easy. I have had to face and deal with many heart-breaking situations, some of my own doing, and some based on other people’s choices. But I know I was able to face them and get through them because of the strength that came from my relationship with Jesus. He even gave me a verse from the Bible to stand on… Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This was and is my life verse that has helped me time and time again. He has gotten my feet moving swiftly.
Know He has the perfect destiny laid out for you. He has perfect timing. He is waiting for you with open arms, no matter what. If you are ready to embrace this approach, have questions about it, or even if you have already taken this step but would like to talk with someone to grow in your Christian walk, please drop me a note at dianne@PreciousStonesLifeCoach.com. I welcome the opportunity to talk with you and help you get your feet moving in a new and exciting path for your life.