So much has changed over the last couple of years, including what is causing us stress. I have seen so many articles about stress and its increase yet, with all that is reported the statistics continue to rise.
According to the American Psychological Association, U.S. adults surveyed in 2020* reported that increased stress has:
Negatively affected their behavior (49%)
Increased tension in their bodies (21%)
Caused them to “snap” out of anger (20%)
Caused unexpected mood swings (20%)
Almost 8 out of 10 Americans reported that the coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused them stress
Seventy-seven percent of U.S. adults report feeling stressed over the future of the nation, up from 66% in 2019
In 2020, 63% of U.S. adults said that the economy is a significant source of stress, compared to 46% in 2019
Nearly two-thirds of professionals say their stress levels at work in the past year were higher than they were five years ago (Korn Ferry, 2019
In addition to these statistics, it is interesting to note that nearly half of adults (49%) report their behavior has been negatively affected by the increase in their stress levels. They have reported the following:
increased tension in their bodies (21%)
“snapping” or getting angry very quickly (20%)
unexpected mood swings (20%)
screaming or yelling at a loved one (17%)
So what conclusions can we draw from all these statistics? We can see the toll stress is taking on us, both physically and emotionally. Even half of Gen Z teens (51%) report that the coronavirus pandemic makes planning for their future feel impossible, and more than 2 in 3 Gen Z adults in college (67%) say the coronavirus pandemic makes planning for their future feel impossible.
With this great impact we are feeling less secure and most certainly less confident. How can we plan for our future with so much uncertainty? How do we stand strong and believe in ourselves when everything around us seems out of control?
It is so important for each of us to remember, we do have choices. We can choose how to handle each day, each week, each month. We can make plans for our future with the readiness to shift and adjust as needed should circumstances change. Reminding ourselves that flexibility is key these days will go a long way in relieving stress when our plans get altered.

Finding our way through the maze of stressors with the mindset and belief that we will get through it all in good way will increase our confidence despite the world around us. When we challenge ourselves to do this it gets our brains thinking of ways we can achieve the levels of confidence we desire.
Did you know that chronic, ongoing stress is often considered a high risk factor for conditions such as colds, insomnia, migraine headaches, infertility, chronic pain, hypertension, and even heart disease and cancer? Unchecked stress is no joke. The long term impact will cause not only physical problems but it will also affect our confidence levels in all areas of our lives.
There is a way to turn the tide of stress and lack of confidence. To get started on your journey to feeling better and being more confident, you need to understand your personal stress levels
and how you can manage them before they lead to serious health issues. Utilizing specific scientifically validated assessments, we can work together and unpack stress warning signs such as hostility/anger, time urgency, perfectionism, and disappointment. We will dig in and help you understand both your areas of strength and those areas you need to work on. With this kind of knowledge you can begin to make immediate changes in those weaker areas and
rely more heavily on your stronger areas lessening your stress and building your confidence.
If you are ready to take the step toward living a healthier and more confident life, email me at dianne@PreciousStonesCoaching.com. I am excited for your less stressed and more confident future!!
*Statistics report: https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2020/sia-mental-health-crisis.pdf